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Athletic Association

Athletics offers a great opportunity for individual growth through Christian fellowship and is deemed an extension to the Christian values and teachings observed at Immaculate Conception. Our goal is to foster student growth in skills and lessons taught during competition and being a part of a team. Winning, losing, sacrifice, perseverance, integrity, sportsmanship and hard work are among the lessons available within the athletic program offered at Immaculate Conception School. A combination of Christian fellowship and the respect that we develop for each other as fellow Christian Athletes will help us to advance our Christian stewardship.

AA Handbook 

If you have questions, please email the Athletic Association at

Current Athletic Association Board Members:

  • President: Ashley Wells
  • Secretary: Audrey Hoer
  • Treasurer: Dawn Bollinger
  • Concessions: Chairperson Kate Holdmeyer
  • Volleyball: Chairperson Jennifer Hecktor
  • Basketball: Chairperson Lauren Cartwright

Home & School Association

H&S Facebook Group

Immaculate Conception’s Home & School Association (ICHSA) is comprised of parents, the pastor, the principal, and faculty members of Immaculate Conception School. There is no membership fee to join and every parent is automatically a member of the association. Active participation is strongly encouraged since ICHSA equally supports parents, educators, and students. The goal of ICHSA is to build a strong community within the walls and outside of Immaculate Conception School. ICHSA wants teachers to feel supported, parents to feel connected, and students to feel empowered.

ICHSA meetings quarterly in August, November, February, and May, the third Tuesday of the respective month at 6:30 pm. Parents and faculty are encouraged to attend.

ICHSA hosts family events throughout the year such as Back-to-School Ice Cream Social, Back-to-School Dance, Trunk-or-Treat, Breakfast with Santa, and the Easter Egg Hunt.

They also raise funds through their yearly fundraiser, The Mega Raffle. If you would like to volunteer or to be placed on the email list, email

If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions, please email

Home & School Board

  • Adrienne Bailey, President
  • Shelly Alcorn, Vice President
  • Erin Griffin, Treasurer
  • Theresa Briggs, Secretary

Marketing Committee

Immaculate Conception’s Marketing Committee was formed in 2018 after a recommendation from the St. Louis Archdiocese and serves both the school and parish. Their goal is to increase enrollment in the school and involvement in the parish and improve visibility in the community by maximizing the school and parish’s community pride and engagement. The committee usually meets once a month, but has been known to meet more often if there’s a project that requires it.

If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions, please email

Committee Members:

  • Tiffany Hoeckelman, current IC parent and parishioner
  • Adrienne Bailey, current IC parent and parishioner
  • Jennifer Klenke, former IC parent and current parishioner
  • Craig Edmister, former IC parent and current parishioner
  • Jackie Brueggemann, current IC parent and teacher
  • Kate Schroeder, current IC teacher